Administration & Operations
- General
- Awards, Gifts & Rewards to Individuals
- Campus Operations
- Conflict of Interest or Commitment
- Death Response & Reporting
- Event Planning
- Facilities, Real Property Use & Mgmt
- Fundraising, Alumni & Support Groups
- Legal Processes
- Naming & Trademarks
- Whistleblower Reports
- General Administration Category of UCLA Administrative Policies and Procedures
- UC Business & Finance Bulletins - G Series
- Authority to Act for the Chancellor - UCLA DA 704.06
- Ethics - UC Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct
- Awarding of the UCLA Medal and Fiat Lux Award - UCLA Policy 140
- Complimentary Tickets - UC Policy on Distribution of Tickets and Passes to University Officials ; UCLA Implementing Procedures on the Distribution of Tickets to University Officials ; Form 802
- Gift Allocation & Reallocation - UCLA Policy 193
- Gifts from the University to Individuals - UC Business & Finance Bulletin G-41 & G-42
- Gift Solicitation, Acceptance & Returns - UCLA Policy 192 ; UC DA UC DA 2631 and UCLA DAs 731.01 and 730.03
- Memorial Objects - UCLA Policy 113
- Rewards in Criminal Investigations - UCLA Policy 125
- Bicycles - Safety, Regulations & Resources
- Children/Minors on Campus - UCLA Policy 136; UC Policy on Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect; UC Policy on Minors in Laboratories and Shops
- Conduct of Non-Affiliates - Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates in the Buildings and on the Grounds of the University of California ; UCLA Regulations on Activities, Registered Campus Organizations, and Use of Properties
- Conservation & the Environment - UC Policy on Sustainable Practices
- Flags, Display of - UCLA Policy 115 ; UCLA Procedure 115.1
- Found and Unclaimed Property, Disposal of - UC DA 0415 & Related UCLA DA's - 720.03 720.06 720.07 720.10
- Parking - Parking Rules & Regulations
- Policing - Universitywide Police Policies & Administrative Procedures; UC Clery Act Policy - Campus Safety and Security Reporting;
- Pets on Campus - UCLA Policy 135
- Safety - UCLA Employee Safety Handbook; UC Clery Act Policy - Campus Safety and Security Reporting
- Waste Management - Waste Management Guidelines
- Weapons on Campus - UCLA Policy 131; UCLA DA 710.03; UCLA DA 710.06; UCLA DA 710.07
- UCOP Conflict of Interest - UC Conflict of Interest Code
- UC Conflict of Interest Policy & Compendium of Specialized University Policies, Guidelines, and Regulations - UC Compendium Of Conflict Of Interest And Integrity Policies � Guidance
- UC Personnel Policies for Staff Members - PPSM 82
- UCLA Conflict of Interest - UCLA Policy 150
- Complimentary Tickets - UC Policy on Distribution of Tickets and Passes to University Officials ; UCLA Implementing Procedures on the Distribution of Tickets to University Officials ; Form 802
- Consensual Relationships - UC Policy on Conflicts of Interest Created by Consensual Relationships
- Lobbying - UC Lobbying Disclosure Policy
- Near Relatives, Employment of - UC Academic Personnel Manual APM-520; UC Personnel Policies for Staff Members PPSM 21
- Outside Activities & Conflict of Commitment - UC Academic Personnel Manual APM-025 and APM-671; UCLA Call Appendix 19; Personnel Policies for Staff Members PPSM-82 Section III.B.
- Research, Disclosure of Financial Interests in - UC Academic Personnel Manual APM-028 ; UCLA Policies 925 and 926 and UCLA Procedures: 925.1 , 925.2 , 925.3
- Employee Death Reporting - UCLA Policy 160; UCLA Procedure 160.1
- Flag, Lowering to Half-Mast - UCLA Procedure 115.1
- Student Death Response & Reporting - UCLA Policy 160; UCLA Procedure 160.2
- Event Planning Resources - Event Planning Resources; UCLA Events Policies
- Special Visitors - Visiting Dignitaries UCLA Policy 106;
- Security Arrangements - UCLA Procedure 860.2
- Facilities Category of UCLA Administrative Policies and Procedures
- UC Facilities Manual
- Cal/OSHA Safety Inspection Investigation Response - UCLA Procedure 820.1
- Directory Boards - UCLA Procedure 840.1
- Construction - UC Seismic Safety Policy
- Environmental Health & Safety - UCLA Employee Safety Handbook; UC Policy on Management of Health, Safety & the Environment; UC Policy on Safeguards, Security & Emergency Management; UCLA Policy 811; Research Laboratory Safety & Protective Equipment - UCLA Policy 905; Safe Handling of Particularly Hazardous Substances - UCLA Policy 907; Radiation Safety - UCLA Policy 994
- Extracurricular Use of Facilities - UCLA Policy 860
- Facilities Service Requests - UCLA Procedure 815.1
- Filming & Photography on Campus - UCLA Policy 863; Film & Photography Guidelines
- Gender Inclusive Facilities - UCLA Policy 890
- General Assignment Classroom Scheduling - UCLA Policy 870
- Hoverboards - UC Hoverboard Policy
- Key Administration & Control - UCLA Policy 825; UCLA Procedure 825.1
- Memorial Objects - UCLA Policy 113
- Real Estate Services - UCLA Policy 880; UCLA Procedure 880.2
- Smoke-Free Environment - UCLA Policy 810
- Space Allocation, Assignment & Management - UCLA Policy 880; UCLA Procedure 880.1; UCLA Procedure 880.2; UCLA DA 881.01
- Temporary Structures on Campus - UCLA Procedure 850.1
- Use of Properties - UCLA Regulations on Activities, Registered Campus Organizations and Use of Properties
- UC Development Policy Manual
- Alumni Assocation - UC Administrative Guidelines for Campus Alumni Associations & Constituency Alumni Groups
- Complimentary Tickets - UC Policy on Distribution of Tickets and Passes to University Officials ; UCLA Implementing Procedures on the Distribution of Tickets to University Officials ; Form 802
- Foundations - UC Regents Policy 5203: Policy on Support Groups, Campus Foundations & Alumni Associations; UC Administrative Guidelines for Campus Foundations
- Gift Allocation & Reallocation - UCLA Policy 193
- Gift Solicitation, Acceptance & Returns - UCLA Policy 192; UC DA 2631 and UCLA DAs 731.01 and 730.02
- Mailing Lists, Access to and Use of - UCLA Policy 311
- Mass Solicitations for Gifts & Memberships - UCLA Policy 191
- Naming of Facilities and Organizational Units after Individuals - UC Policy on Naming University Properties, Academic & Non-Academic Programs, and Facilities; UCLA Policy 112; UCLA Procedure 112.1
- Support Groups - UC Regents Policy 5203: Policy on Support Groups, Campus Foundations & Alumni Associations
- Complaints, Depositions, Summonses & Subpoenas - UCLA Policy 120; UCLA Procedure 120.1
- Freedom of Information Act Requests - (see Public Records Act Requests below)
- General Counsel Responsibilities & Reporting Relationships - UC Regents Policy 4000: Policy on University of California Legal Services
- Liability Insurance - UC Business & Finance Bulletin BUS-81; UCLA Procedure 300.1
- Medical Malpractice Liability & Suit Settlement - UCLA Policy 303; UCLA Procedure 303.1
- Public Records Act (PRA) Requests - UCLA Vice Chancellors' 4/14/2006 Memo on Media PRA Requests; UCLA Policy 603
- Settlements - Regents Policy 4105 - Settlement of Litigation, Claims, and Separation Agreements UC DA 2595 and UCLA DA's 551.08 , 672.03 , 672.05 , and 672.06
- Names, Seals & Trademarks of the University - UCLA Policy 110 ; UC DAs 0864, 0865 Related UCLA DAs 705.02, 705.03, 705.04 ;
- Naming of Facilities, Organizational Units & Properties - UCLA Policy 112; UCLA Procedure 112.1; UC Policy on Naming University Properties, Academic & Non-Academic Programs, and Facilities
- Trademark Licensee Conduct - UC Code of Conduct for Trademark Licensees
- UCLA Brand Guidelines - UCLA Brand Guidelines
- UCLA Request a Mark - UCLA Request a Mark
- American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), Reporting Misuse of Funds - UCOP Overview of Rights & Remedies
- How to Blow the Whistle - UCLA Compliance Hotline Flier
- Improper Governmental Activity, Responding to Reports of - UC Whistleblower Policy
- Improper Governmental Activity, Responding to Reports of - UC Whistleblower Policy
- Misappropriation of University Assets - UC Whistleblower Protection Policy; UCLA Procedure 620.1 , 360.1